336 - Benjamin Rosfeld; Composer, Performer, Keys and Vocals for SHIFT

Hello, and again, welcome to Bit Depth. I’m Santiago Ramones.

Benjamin Rosfeld is a composer, performer, and listener. Their primary instruments are piano and cello, but they are also an avid electronic musician and has a number of synthesizers, along with a modular synth system they’ve built. You can see them playing around Oklahoma City for various functions such as church services, weddings, etc. but they’re also a DJ and are very involved in the experimental music scene. Their passion project for last few years has been SHIFT, an electronic/progressive rock band, and they are currently working on their second album, Jagged and Bold. We talked about music, music school, composition, artificial intelligence, and the usual morality and spirituality. Get to know Brosfeld!

You can find them on Instagram here:

The song playing at the end is a scratch mix of “The Listener” by SHIFT, which will be out on April 30th, but you get the exclusive here on Bit Depth! So follow them on Spotify so you can catch when they drop it for real:

Bit Depth:

The song by me playing at the end is not released yet either.

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