335 - Love as a Construct with Rowan Weathers

Hello, and again, welcome to Bit Depth. I’m Santiago Ramones.

Rowan Weathers and I discuss love: loving intentionally, passionately, actively, with friends and romantically. We also talked about the dating scene of today, participating in communities, friends, the gray areas of romance and friendship, therapy and what can come from it, and our own queer experiences, including pronouns, nonbinary, labeling (or lack thereof), how we change over time, and much more. Yes, the title is a reference to the Portal 2 OST.

You can follow Rowan on Instagram here:
The song playing at the end is “sinking” by Rowan, which is not released yet.

Bit Depth:

The song by me playing at the end is not released yet either.

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