338 - Compost Adjacent (Folksy duo of Ryan Smith and Nicholas Allen)

Hello, and again, welcome to Bit Depth. I’m Santiago Ramones.

Ryan Smith and Nich Allen met doing compost-adjacent things. When Nich heard Ryan play his music, he knew he wanted to play music with him, somehow. They’ve been playing together for some time. They both frequent the Red Dirt Poetry Open Mic, at which I was playing, too. I actually know Ryan through mutual friends, and I went to the same high school as Nich. So we got to reconnect through the open mic and I asked them to be on my podcast, that night. They agreed to my chaotic request and here they are, giving them the push they needed to decide on a band name. We talked about music, how they got together making music, academic musical knowledge and how much it isn’t needed, emotional communication, and how we grow through the music we make. Get to know Compost Adjacent!

You can follow them on Instagram here:

The song at the end is “Linger” by Compost Adjacent, for which this is the first recording, and had to be a little quiet because we were trying not to wake Sable up. Catch it live to hear the big screams.

Bit Depth:

The song by me playing at the end is not released yet, but it is the song I mentioned.

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